So I get asked all the time about Clean Eating. Here's some background on my story.
Towards the end of high school years, I began to notice that I started gaining 10-15lbs every winter. My senior year of high school, for the 1st time EVER, I started working out. I did this to lose that holiday weight before PROM. It worked!! I am pretty sure that I quit working out that summer or maybe when I started college in the fall. Then from that time until 2012, I did the same with the exception of around my wedding when I worked out pretty consistently for over a year but really NEVER enjoyed it.
Oh and then in grad school I started counting calories because running (what I resorted to) wasn't quite cutting it. I ALWAYS quit come summer and horse riding season. ALWAYS!
In 2011, I began to follow a high school acquaintance in her fitness model journey and noticed how awesome she looked and what she was doing...lifting weights and eating clean.
In January 2012, I decided I might want to try this eating clean. I had seen what a unhealthy lifestyle did to people later in life thanks to my job as a physical therapist and I knew I did NOT want to have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, an extra tire, stroke, heart attack, diabetes,etc.
So I asked the high school acquaintance and another friend who was eating clean a few questions. One of them recommended a website and a book. I checked out both and did a lot of research!! Now I just had to get to husband on board! Surprisingly, it was easy to get him to agree to this lifestyle change! We started in March 2012 and by May 2012 I had lost 16 lbs!! My husband lost a lot too. Since then I have been perfecting my diet! I still have the goal to have a visible 6 pack (abs) and will have one one day!!
Anyway, so I did I just JUMP full fledge in?? NO! I started the first week by drinking only water and A LOT of it! I recommend at least 1/2 your weight in ounces, but I often drink way more that now.
Each week I added something new. Week 1: water. Week 2: changed my snacks (I already ate 5 times a day). Week 3: changed my breakfast. Week 4: changed my lunch. Week 5: changed my dinners. I did this gradually and still lost 16lbs in about 8 weeks. I was ecstatic! My skin was radiant, my hair healthier, and I felt like I had a ton of energy!!
Keep in mind that I am not a nutritionist or expert in this field. This is just what worked for me!
I do run FREE 7 day Clean Eating Groups all the time and if you are interested leave you email below, email me at, or find me on FB or IG at Diana Freyaldenhoven
Towards the end of high school years, I began to notice that I started gaining 10-15lbs every winter. My senior year of high school, for the 1st time EVER, I started working out. I did this to lose that holiday weight before PROM. It worked!! I am pretty sure that I quit working out that summer or maybe when I started college in the fall. Then from that time until 2012, I did the same with the exception of around my wedding when I worked out pretty consistently for over a year but really NEVER enjoyed it.
Oh and then in grad school I started counting calories because running (what I resorted to) wasn't quite cutting it. I ALWAYS quit come summer and horse riding season. ALWAYS!
In 2011, I began to follow a high school acquaintance in her fitness model journey and noticed how awesome she looked and what she was doing...lifting weights and eating clean.
In January 2012, I decided I might want to try this eating clean. I had seen what a unhealthy lifestyle did to people later in life thanks to my job as a physical therapist and I knew I did NOT want to have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, an extra tire, stroke, heart attack, diabetes,etc.
So I asked the high school acquaintance and another friend who was eating clean a few questions. One of them recommended a website and a book. I checked out both and did a lot of research!! Now I just had to get to husband on board! Surprisingly, it was easy to get him to agree to this lifestyle change! We started in March 2012 and by May 2012 I had lost 16 lbs!! My husband lost a lot too. Since then I have been perfecting my diet! I still have the goal to have a visible 6 pack (abs) and will have one one day!!
Anyway, so I did I just JUMP full fledge in?? NO! I started the first week by drinking only water and A LOT of it! I recommend at least 1/2 your weight in ounces, but I often drink way more that now.
Each week I added something new. Week 1: water. Week 2: changed my snacks (I already ate 5 times a day). Week 3: changed my breakfast. Week 4: changed my lunch. Week 5: changed my dinners. I did this gradually and still lost 16lbs in about 8 weeks. I was ecstatic! My skin was radiant, my hair healthier, and I felt like I had a ton of energy!!
Keep in mind that I am not a nutritionist or expert in this field. This is just what worked for me!
I do run FREE 7 day Clean Eating Groups all the time and if you are interested leave you email below, email me at, or find me on FB or IG at Diana Freyaldenhoven
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